Math Foundations I

  • $700.00 / Full Year
  • $380.00 / Semester 1
  • $380.00 / Semester 2
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Course Description

Our online Math Foundations I course, semesters 1 and 2 offers a complete, structured remediation solution based on the NCTM Curricular Focal Points and is designed to expedite student progress in acquiring 3rd- to 5th-grade skills. The course is appropriate for use as remediation for students in grades 6 to 12. When used in combination, Math Foundations I and Math Foundations II (covering grades 6 to 8) effectively remediate computational skills and conceptual understanding needed to undertake high school–level math courses with confidence.

Math Foundations I empowers students to progress at their optimum pace through over 80 semester hours of interactive instruction and assessment spanning 3rd- to 5th-grade math skills. Carefully paced, guided instruction is accompanied by interactive practice that is engaging and accessible. Formative assessments help students to understand areas of weakness and improve performance, while summative assessments chart progress and skill development. Early in the course, students develop general strategies for honing their problem-solving skills. Subsequent units provide a problem-solving strand that asks students to practice applying specific math skills to a variety of real-world contexts.

The content is based on the National Council of Teachers of Math (NCTM) April 2006 publication, Curricular Focal Points for Prekindergarten through Grade 8 Mathematics: A Quest for Coherence, and is aligned with state standards.

Course Details

Grade Levels
High School
Course Length

Full Year: Full year courses are two semesters in length, 18 weeks maximum each. For full year enrollments, students will be enrolled in Semester 1 initially and Semester 2 after completion of Semester 1.

Semester 1: Courses have a maximum duration of 18 weeks per semester.

Semester 2: Courses have a maximum duration of 18 weeks per semester.

Course Units & Syllabus

Download the Syllabus