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The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

Did you know? Homeschooling was a popular public school alternative long before the pandemic began. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that about 3.3% of the countries’ students were enrolled in homeschool programs pre-pandemic, a figure that jumped to an 11% minimum average once the pandemic began.

In this method of learning, parents are directly responsible for their children’s education; offering them comparable learning opportunities and extracurricular activities as they would find in traditional school settings.

If you’re considering homeschooling for your learner, you’re in good company. Many parents are still continuing the practice despite the country-wide return to school that occurred as the pandemic ended.

Read on to learn more about the pros and cons of homeschooling, as well as common questions many have about the process.

The Pros of Homeschooling 

Homeschool students enjoy a unique learning experience; as well as numerous field trips, social events and learning opportunities. We’ve summarized some of the most popular pros of homeschooling for you below:

The Cons of Homeschool

While there are plenty of perks to homeschooling throughout your academic year, there are some cons to consider as well:

Debunking Myths About Homeschooling 

Now that we’ve covered the great opportunities and considerations that come with homeschooling, it’s time to do some myth busting to give you the clearest path forward for your family’s needs. Here are some of the most prevalent myths about homeschool — and how they may or may not affect your experience.

“I can’t afford homeschooling. That means that public school is the best way to ensure that my child is getting an effective learning experience.”

You know your child best. If you decide that opting for public school teaching methods is the right thing for them, then that means that it’s the best possible choice. However, if you are doing this based on affordability alone, know that you may not have to.

Homeschool families and parents of public school students considering homeschool should be aware that there are plenty of free resources that you can secure in co-ops, groups, or charter school networks. You can generally pick the ones that best suit your family’s needs.

Resources like Apex Learning ensure that you receive quality education for your child at an accessible rate wherever possible.

“Academic excellence is key for me. I’m afraid of homeschooling learning gaps.”

Tools like Apex Learning help fill any possible gaps in learning for students enrolled in homeschool programs. Curriculum planning can get tricky, especially into the high school years. While many parents may feel qualified and confident in their ability to facilitate their child’s learning experience, some don’t — and that’s where extra resources can help. 

We want to take a moment to encourage you: You are more than capable of supporting your child. If you’re concerned about possible learning gaps, it can be helpful to know that there are many others in the same boat — and that there are plenty of alternatives to consider to create a well-rounded learning experience for your child. 

“I thought only religious families homeschooled?”

Students that align with any religion (including none at all) can successfully homeschool — from elementary school to their final day in K-12. Religion is not a prerequisite to a quality home education, and there are plenty of religion-free or religion-specific curriculum options available for your consideration. 

Is Homeschooling Right for Your Child?

Considering if homeschooling is the right choice for your child? There are many good reasons to homeschool — and homeschooled students of all ages are as well-adjusted and prepared for real life as traditionally-schooled students. 

However, many people may still have reservations when it comes to meeting their family’s needs through homeschool. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to see if homeschooling is the right choice for your child’s education and experience.

In short, only you can determine what is best for your child. Should any questions arise, you can always reach out to your child’s current team of educators or other expert sources like the team at Apex Learning Virtual School

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the success rate of homeschooling?

Thousands of students worldwide find major success in their homeschooling experiences. For example — many students are able to secure high-value scholarships and post-graduate pathways due to specialized learning opportunities that homeschool provides, putting them on a fast-track for career success.

How does homeschooling impact a child’s social development?

Homeschool has little to no negative effect on your child’s social development. In homeschool, parents can take control of their child’s socialization opportunities; supporting them in developmentally-appropriate ways and tailoring their experience. This allows many parents to reap the benefits of social interactions without the possible negative influences and peer pressure experienced by traditionally-schooled students.

What are the key advantages of homeschooling?

Key advantages of homeschooling include flexible learning opportunities and schedules, tailored educational experiences, and a higher level of family bonding due to increased parental involvement in the childhood learning experiences.

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